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The official MSC site, created by Brinley Jr., is up at

See details on the reprinting at

From: "Sheridan Brinley" <>
To: <>
Subject: Plans for MSC Books
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 10:00:38 -0400

Dear Mr. Maxham:

This is to let you and the many Mad Scientists' Club fans I have heard from in the past few months know the status of our attempts to get my father's books back in circulation. We hope to have the first book, The Mad Scientists' Club, published by early next year, which is the 40th anniversary of the appearance of the first story, The Strange Sea Monster of Strawberry Lake. While we can't guarantee the timing, our best estimate is early next year. Even if that time slips however, we still hope to have the book out during the anniversary year.

We expect to use an on-demand publisher, as the traditional publishers we have contacted have not shown any interest in the books. While this approach may be less than ideal in some respects, it will fulfill the principal desire that we have: to get my father's works in readers' hands once again.

There will be a Web site to promote the books. It will be fairly simple to start with, but will become more elaborate as the books get wider circulation.

We appreciate your continued interest, and that of the many fans, in the stories and look forward to the day when they are again readily available to all.

Sheridan Brinley

I used to have the stories in HTML format on my site here until I received this:

1050 N. Taylor Street
Apt #712
Arlington, VA 22201

Mr. Mark Maxham
3619 Hillcrest Dr.
Belmont, CA 94002

Re: Copyright Rights -- The Mad Scientists' Club Stories and Illustrations

Dear Mr. Maxham:

Please be advised that my sister and I, daughter and son of Bertrand R. Brinley, are the owners of all copyrights to all of The Mad Scientists' Club stories and illustrations. Contrary to the information on your Website (...), the stories and illustrations have never been in the public domain as the copyrights have always been renewed and remain in full force and effect.

We demand that you remove all such stories and illustrations as well as "The One-Armed Bandit" from the referenced Website immediately, as you are in violation of our copyrights. We are consulting with our lawyer regarding legal remedies available to us.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Sheridan Brinley

Oh well kids, it was fun while it lasted! My reply:

3619 Hillcrest Dr.
Belmont, CA 94002

June 21st, 1999

Mr. Sheridan Brinley
1050 N. Taylor Street
Apt #712
Arlington, VA 22201

Dear Mr. Brinley,

I apologize for my unintentional infringement of your copyright. On receipt of your letter, I removed all copyrighted material from my website. There was no intention to profit from my efforts; indeed I have made a large personal investment in the web version of the books, and have received no compensation from anyone. I was motivated only by the desire to preserve the Mad Scientist legacy for the many people who have enjoyed the books, but who today are unable to obtain them. The only way to get a Mad Scientist book today is via outrageously expensive online auctions or tireless searches in used-book stores.

I realize that you have to vigorously protect your copyright in order to maintain it, but perhaps we can find a way to create some sort of authorized MSC website. I can think of several ways to create a revenue-generating site. You might try a pay-per-view setup; you could advertise; maybe you can generate enough interest to get the books reprinted. Of course, I don't know what your motivations are, other than retaining your copyright. In any case, I have no interest in personal gain, simply a lifelong enjoyment of the stories and characters. I can't tell you how many times I have received positive rants from people all over the world, sharing stories of how these books inspired them.

Hopefully you will find the best way to spread your father's fine works.


Mark Maxham

About the Mad Scientists' Club

Last updated 02 Oct 2000 by max